This section contains forms which can be submitted to ASFA in order to receive payments, with a brief explanation of which form to use for the thing you’re trying to do.
Member Association executives all need to submit forms in order to register themselves officially to their positions. They are as follows:
Dean of Students Registration Form - One per MA.
This form ultimately goes to Concordia and not ASFA but requires ASFA’s signature along the way. Do this form first.
The DoS form lists your entire executive team with positions and contact information. Your signing officers (2-3 people) and booking officer (exactly 1) must sign this form before sending it to internal@asfa.ca to get the final signature. Once fully signed, send it to david.baker@concordia.ca.
Signing Officer Appointment Form - 2-3 per MA.
Each association needs 2-3 signing officers to approve expenses.
Councillor Appointment Form & Confidentiality Waiver - 1-2 per MA.
Each MA must have an ASFA councillor and may choose to have an alternate councillor as well. In order to attend council meetings, access your councillor email, and view council documents, you must sign the appointment form and confidentiality waiver. Send it to chair@asfa.ca AND internal@asfa.ca.
Harassment Policy Acknowledgement Waiver - All MA Executives
Ethical Purchasing Policy Acknowledgement Waiver - All MA Executives
Need to be reimbursed? Looking for grant funding? The following forms on this page can help you.
To be reimbursed for expenses you’ve already paid for; to have ASFA pay a vendor directly where have an invoice; to pay an honorarium, bursary, award, etc to someone where you don’t have an invoice,
Use the Payment Request Form
To request Advance Funding so you can pay for organizing an event,
Use the Payment Request Form
Note that Advance Funding must be for $300 or more. If you’re only paying a single vendor, it will be easier to have ASFA pay the vendor directly than to request advance funding, although you may.
To request funding for an event or project that you’re organizing,
Use the Special Project Funding Request Form
The most important thing to remember is: keep a paper trail! To be reimbursed for things there needs to be a record of it. Don’t lose your receipts, and don’t make transactions that don’t create a record. If a vendor doesn’t give you a receipt, ask for one.
For any question or inquiry can be sent to finance@asfa.ca
Completed forms with supporting documentation (receipts, invoices, contracts, etc) must be combined into one PDF document. Do not send multiple attachments for one reimbursement. There are many resources online to do this, such as https://combinepdf.com/.
Payment requests are what they sound like- a request for ASFA to make a payment to a person or business. This can be used to be reimbursed for expenses or to pay unpaid bills. To be reimbursed for an expense, receipts must be provided.
Use the Reimbursement Request Form to:
- To submit receipts for expenses you’ve incurred and get reimbursed
- To have ASFA pay a supplier directly (include an invoice, quote, contract, or honorarium agreement in place of a receipt)- To have ASFA pay an honorarium / bursary / award to someone where you don’t have an invoice
- To request Advance Funding
ASFA offers Special Project Funding (SPF) grants to projects organized by its Member Associations as well as by members-at-large (a.k.a. Arts & Science students!). To apply, simply fill out the form below. Additional documentation and/or questions may be submitted to finance@asfa.ca.
Special Project Grant Requests, when received, are reviewed by the ASFA Finance Committee at one of their regularly-held meetings. The committee may choose to either approve or reject an application, and/or they might hold their decision in order to request more information from the applicant. If approved, applicants are not guaranteed to receive the full amount which they had requested.
When an SPF grant is awarded, the applicant will not (usually) receive a direct cheque in that amount. The amount awarded is for UP TO the amount given, and the applicant may then proceed to make purchases for the project. They will then be able to submit their receipts for reimbursement using a Cheque Request Form. If the project involves particularly large purchases, the applicant can also request that ASFA pay the vendor directly, again by using a Cheque Request Form. For any questions about payments and reimbursements, please contact clerk@asfa.ca.
Please note that funding will be granted if the project is deemed to directly benefit Arts & Science students. Precedence will be given to projects that take place on campus.
Student Group Registration Form (Concordia Dean of Students Page)
Member Association Executive Registration form
File a complaint
or email equity@asfa.ca