Policies and other Governing Documents
ASFA's by-laws are the highest governing document of the organization. They are the legal codes governing the association, and they are adopted by votes of the membership.
Standing Regulations
ASFA’s standing regulations detail the rules and procedures governing ASFA and the Member Associations. Standing regulations may be amended by ASFA council.
Elections Policy
The rules and processes with which to conduct ASFA and Member Association Elections, By-Elections, and referendum to ensure fair, equitable, democratic, and transparent practices.
Judicial Code of Procedure
The judicial code of procedure details the process for dispute resolution within ASFA.
Ethical Purchasing Policy
The ethical purchasing policy sets out the requirements all purchases made by ASFA and MAs over $500.
Sustainable Event Guide
While not an ASFA policy, this guide produced by Concordia is a helpful tool for making your events as sustainable as possible.
Policy on Policy Development and Style
ASFA's policy on how to evaluate the appropriateness of a new or amended policy with respect to existing policies and regulations.
Appointment Form
Member Association Signing Officers
Harassment Policy
Loyola Committee By-Laws

ASFA Council Meeting Minutes
The ASFA Council meets once per month for its Regular Council Meeting (RCM). Council is a body made up of representatives from each of ASFA’s Member Associations and makes high-level decisions for ASFA that set its priorities and directions. Any council member is welcome to submit motions for discussion and approval.
*Additional meetings may be called as needed. These additional meetings are called Special Council Meetings (SCM).
ASFA Council meetings are open to the public. For more information about ASFA council meetings, contact the Council Chair at chair@asfa.ca